Everything Digital

September 2014

Best Times and Days to Post on Social Media?

I often hear the following: “Post outside of working hours and during lunchtime, for people who want something to read during their lunch break…” I personally have a problem with generic recommendations on best times and days to post, as well as “scientific guides on best and worst times to post on social media”. Here’s why.

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Campaign Tracking on Social Media

Here’s what I believe – most campaign tracking on social media sucks. Heavily! Whether you’re a Google Analytics power-user, or perhaps you only use it occasionally, you know that campaign tracking can be a lifesaver to manage your owned traffic. You wouldn’t send a monthly newsletter without properly tagging your links, right? You wouldn’t advertise your […]

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Content Is NOT King

Stop me if you’ve heard this before: “Content is king”. This expression was great the first time I heard it. Maybe the second time too. It stopped amazing me the third time onwards. This usually comes with the variation of: Content is king, and context is queen Content is fuel Content is fire (For more […]

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Social Media Analytics FAQ

After a long hiatus from meetups, conferences and “digital events”, I finally returned to the London Web Analytics meetup, a great London-based meetup for people interested in all things analytics. The subject for this month’s meetup was social media analytics, pretty topical considering that I work in social media analytics day in and day out. I […]

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