Now that we’re in the new year, it’s time for me to look back at the main highlights of 2014 – on this blog and outside it. Looking back to look forward, right? I jotted down a few highlights from the past year, and that quickly turned into quite a few lists… So, in the […]
Read MoreBlog
So Long Clutter, So Long Numbers
If you’ve been following this blog for a while then you may have noticed a change in theme and layout. I’ve gone from a full multipurpose theme to a stripped down layout. No more fancy drop down menus, no more funky animations, no more colour coding my articles by category. Just text, a bit of […]
Read MoreMentorship – Who I Look Up To

I was recently asked to find myself a mentor at work, which raised the following question: “who do you see as a potential mentor in your workplace?”. While there are people I look up to at work, my mentors don’t actually work with me. In fact, they don’t even know they’re my mentors. Well, unless […]
Read More2013 – Top 5 Articles
The first full year for is over. A lot went on in 2013 – I’ve moved the blog across platforms (from WordPress to Medium, to Svbtle, then Ghost, then back to WordPress, because who am I kidding); I’ve redesigned it many a time (and I’ve finally found a design that I’m completely happy with, […]
Read MoreIdentity & Privacy
Hello, my name is… Ben. Well, that’s not my actual forename, just a shortened version of it, but that’ll do for now. The “issue” of privacy came to me just less than 48 hours ago – I recently decided to brand myself (more on that some other day), and as such I wanted to use an […]
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