The infamous PTAT (People Talking About This) metric will soon be removed from Facebook Insights, and that is a very, very good thing.
Read MoreFacebook Changes for 2014: Who’s Ready?

A lot of changes are happening starting from 1st January. However, amidst all the changes, it seems like quite a few people (and companies) have forgotten about one key change that’s happening sometime soon on Facebook. No, not just the supposed change in reach, but the change in Facebook Insights that may potentially change the […]
Read MoreEngagement vs. Consumption: the Facebook Dilemma

One of the mysteries that have been long unsolved in Social Media Analytics (and on Facebook marketing in general) is the difference between content consumption and content engagement, and the difference between Consumers and Engaged Users. It’s been a matter of debate among big and respected consultants, analysts, and so-called ‘gurus’. Now, I’ve had a […]
Read MoreDefinition of Facebook Story
This is one keyword I’ll be mentioning very often in my future posts, so I thought I might as well create an article I can easily refer to later in the future. Facebook story (or simply ‘story’). This is mentioned in various places in the Facebook Insights dashboard, and several places in the data exports […]
Read MoreFacebook EdgeRank is Dead – Now What?
Facebook giveth and it taketh away… Facebook held a press event yesterday (6th August) discussing the ins and outs of the EdgeRank algorithm, changes and new additions to the Facebook algorithm(s). This is the first time in almost 7 years that Facebook comes out and transparently discusses how the systematic algorithm works and how it […]
Read MoreEngagement Rate – out of Fanbase or out of Reach?

Facebook have started rolling out the new Facebook Insight dashboard to Page owners and I have to say – it’s pretty awesome! While taking notes to review it, I noticed that Facebook have introduced a new metric – their own version of Engagement Rate, to replace Virality for Page posts.
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