Simply Measured


Twitter reporting is one of Simply Measured’s strongest points. Perhaps you feel underwhelmed by the stats that Twitter provides through , or perhaps you want to see how your Twitter stats fit in with the other platforms you’re on (e.g. Facebook). Whatever the case might be, Simply Measured’s Twitter reporting can help you.

Simply Measured definitely knows how to do Twitter reporting well – so well that , and it’s no wonder they’ve been accredited with the Twitter Certified Product badge.

Simply Measured offers the following Twitter reports:

  • Complete Social Media Snapshot
  • Twitter Account Report: if you want to see how your Twitter account is performing in terms of engagement, while analysing your Twitter followers, audience and more, this report is for you:
    • how much engagement do your tweets receive?
    • what are your best performing tweets, in terms of engagement, reach and more?
    • how many of your followers actively (and regularly) engage with your content?
    • how is your audience growing over time?
    • what’s your Twitter reach, and how many views does your content receive?
    • what are your best times and days to post content, based on past performance?
    • how do various types of tweets (e.g. photo, video, links) perform?
    • what’s the breakdown of your followers, based on influence, network size, engagement, platform (e.g. web, mobile), Twitter clients, demographics and more?
    • what are the recurring topics in your tweets?
    • what are your top tweets, based on engagement, clickthroughs, most clicked links, views and more?
  • Twitter Competitive Analysis: if you want to compare your Twitter account with others, this report is for you. This report works as an account report for your profile and your competitor, showing how you’re both performing, in terms of engagement, audience, and everything covered in the account report.
  • Twitter Activity Report: if you want to keep track of your Twitter activity, this report is for you:
    • what’s your share of retweets, replies and organic tweets?
    • how far do your tweets go, in terms of reach and impressions?
    • how influential are your followers, and who are the most influential?
    • what’s the demographics of your audience?
    • what are your most used keywords in your tweets?
    • what are your most shared tweets and links?
  • Multiple Twitter Channel Analysis: (This is an aggregate version of the Twitter Account Report.)
  • Twitter Customer Service Analysis: if you want to measure the impact of your customer service efforts on Twitter, this report is for you:
    • how is your Twitter customer service workflow performing?
    • how many unique people and inbound posts did you reply to?
    • how many complex cases have you replied to?
      • Simply Measured reports on ‘complex cases’, service queries that take longer than usual to resolve. While Simply Measured considers a complex case one that takes longer than 4 replies to resolve, you can adjust that based on your brand policy. You can also see a list of those complex cases, although I suggest exporting the report in Excel to see all the details.
    • what’s your average response time?
    • what are your most active times and days?
    • how fast do you respond to people based on their follower count?
    • what’s the breakdown of follower and brand activity within and outside business hours/days?
    • how engaged is your Twitter account?
    • how is your audience growing?
    • who are your top users, sorted by number of followers and number of queries sent to you?
    • what are the top keywords and their frequency within your mentions?
  • Multiple Twitter Customer Service Analysis: (this is an aggregate version of the Twitter Customer Service Analysis Report.)
  • Twitter Traffic Analysis: if you want to see how your tweets are driving traffic to your website, this report is for you:
    • how many of your visitors are coming from Twitter (new vs. return visits), and how do they engage on your website?
    • how valuable are your Twitter visitors?
      • if you’ve set goals within Google Analytics, you can see how people you drive to your site from Twitter convert. This can help you find the monetary value of your tweets and the traffic they drive to your site.
    • what are the best times and days to tweet links to your website, based on past performance?
    • who are the top people sharing links to your site, and who are driving the most traffic?
    • what are the top tweets that drive traffic to your site, based on performance, engagement, traffic driven, time spent on site and more?
  • Website Influencer Report: while the Twitter Traffic Analysis report looks at people driving traffic to your site with their tweets, this report looks at the bigger picture, looking at people driving traffic to your site from all social networks.
  • Klout Stream Report
  • Klout Influencers & Advocates Report: if you want to find the influencers talking about you on social media, or you want to start with influencer marketing, this report is for you:
    • how does your influence change over time, and how does it compare to your audience?
    • who (and where) are your influencers mentioning you?
    • what are the most popular topics your influencers talk about?
    • what are the top links tweeted by your influencers when mentioning you?
  • Klout Share of Influencers: if you want to see the conversations around your brand driven by your influencers, this report is for you:
    • who are the influential people talking about my brand?
    • what’s the share of voice by those influencers?
    • how many of the tweets about my brand are influential?
  • Vine Tweet Analysis