Simply Measured


Little known fact about Tumblr: Tumblr does have an official analytics dashboard, called Numblr. However, it’s very buggy, unreliable, and it doesn’t give much besides a somewhat mysterious “Numblr” score, which is supposed to be an influence score of your Tumblr blog (or ‘Tumblog’), taking into consideration audience, engagement and content.

Simply Measured know that and have partnered with Tumblr (via Gnip) to offer the most exhaustive Tumblr Analytics I’ve seen to date.

Simply Measured’s Tumblr reports cover the following:

  • Complete Social Media Snapshot
  • Tumblr Blog Report: if you want to see how your Tumblr blog is performing in terms of engagement, while analysing your audience and more, this report is for you:
    • how much engagement do your posts receive?
    • who’s influential among your followers, and who amplifies the reach of your content the most?
    • what’s the reblog longevity of your posts?
      • Reblog longevity shows you how many reblogs your content gets as days go by. Not only is this an indication of interest among your followers, but it also gives you an indication of how viral your content goes.
    • what’s the best time to post (day and time of day) based on past performance?
    • what is your follower growth over time?
    • what is your Tumblr engagement rate?
    • how is your content being shared outside of Tumblr?
    • what are your top posts, in terms of engagement on and outside of Tumblr.
  • Tumblr Competitive Analysis: if you want to compare your Tumblr blog with others (max. 10), this report is for you. This report works as a blog report for your profile and your competitor, showing how you’re both performing, in terms of engagement, audience, and everything covered in the blog report.
  • Tumblr Web Analytics: if you want to have an in-depth look at your Tumblr blog, with a focus on traffic and engagement, this report is for you:
    • how do people engage with your content?
    • how many of your blog visits result in reblogs?
    • what are the top referring sources to your blog?
    • how is the traffic to your blog performing, in terms of referrals, engagement, first time vs return visits, and more?
    • what are the best times and days to post, based on your traffic performance?
    • who are the main people sharing your content?
    • how is your follower growth changing over time?
    • what are the posts with more shares on other channels?
    • how are your posts performing in terms of views, engagement, time spent, bounce rate and more?